Teller System
Trade Pack
jTrade for DayTrader
WTS Framework
Banking Pack
Card Pack
Purchase Card System
Web Card Terminal


eFinaX jBizBank's Java enabled technology provides a total banking services for corporate clients. eFinaX jBizBank is designed to perform powerful corporate financial transactions and corporate financial management which can be customized to the user's unique environment. It is a straightforward and powerful Internet banking solution.

With eFinaX jBizBank, companies can design custom reports in accordance with their standard corporate format. eFinaX jBizBank to its corporate clients up-to-date news releases on new banking products, calendar of events as well as confidential details on maturity dates of their savings and loans. The handy Internet helper offers dynamic answers to guide users through the process. Its enhanced service offerings are:

[ eFinaX jBizBank ]

Corporate customer management
Corporate customer information registration, modification & search
Checks out accounts
Requests for, approvals of, rejected and canceled transactions
Multiple transfers
One transfer at a time
· Transfer reservation
Archiving of the historical transactions data
Saves the multiple transfers as files

eFinaX jBizBank Key features

Multiple functions for corporate banking
eFinaX jBizBank gives companies the added advantage of managing their cash flow, online & offline payment, income, credit cards, loan and foreign exchange transactions at one stop.

Corporate Finance Management: CFMCFM)
eFinaX jBizBank's corporate finance management (CFM) takes control of the budget, it helps maintain the current cash flow as well as performing funds forecasting. The CFM provides an overview of the financial position of the company and helps in developing a reasonable financial plan

Customized operations
The system's menus and tools allow for the customizing of organizations unique financial requirements. Frequently used operations can have their input screens customized to allow for a user-friendly interface

Account Aggregation
The Account aggregation function enables the one-stop management of all accounts across different financial institutions as well as the transferring of funds between accounts at these institutions.

Dynamic helper
The dynamic helper not only provides assistance to users, but also facilitates end users with access to the program administrator. Users can post their questions and suggestions to a bulletin board. The program administrators will to respond to their inquiry providing feedback and solutions to their problems. Users are strongly encouraged use this feature to provide feedback on how they would like the program modified to enhance usability as well as the types of new functions they require.

Various report formats
The report function can model the report output to meet the requirements of a company's standard report system. With the report function, valuable resources and personal can be freed from the routine of preparing reports and drafting letters allowing them to undertake much higher value-add tasks.

Real-time messenger
The real-time messenger keeps you informed of the breaking news and changes in the market that could affect your portfolio. Financial institutions can provide up to the minute investment tips, notification of interest rate changes, foreign exchange rulings, stock market movements, previews of new financial products as well as upcoming events.

Versatile viewing & query
The viewing and query functions allow for the viewing of a complete picture of your financial dealings and the ability through the query function to gather specific information about a stock issues. You can realign the results of the queries by sorting on the different field values, downloading the data into a text file or linking it into MS-Excel spreadsheet for further analysis.

In-depth analysis
The analysis function helps determine and isolate market trends through distribution charts and graphical analysis. The result of statistical analysis can provide the basis for setting up and implementing a financial plan.