Offers a classified view of all the currently traded issues by industry sector, across all the markets (i.e. in session, after market, over the counter, the third market, etc.) |
Browse the market status at all different times (daily, weekly, monthly, charts and tickers updated every minute to every hour) |
Multi-function charts to provide an overview of market's securities as well as a correlation between the composite indexes and individual issues. |
Instant ticker provides up-to-minute information |
See the daily market data. |
Put your mouse to current traded price, daily high and low, closing prices and trading volume. |
Create custom graphics, using zoom-in, zoom-out, erase functions |
8 types of template graphics and 40 categories of supplementary charts including ACD and Momentum. |
Contains all the graphical market overviews in one window to give users an overview of the markets. |
Modify the parameters to allow for customized supplementary graphics. |
Presents a graphic overview of price fluctuation caused by stock splits and other factors. It isolates the market's movers and shakers. |
Automatic composition of bid/ask signals for selected supplementary charts. |
Determine the bottom lines for selected supplementary charts to ensure an accurate technical analysis |
Make most of the professional analysis tools including Fibonacci Fan, Andrews' Pitchfork |
Export or link your raw data into excel or text files. |